I got a text with picture mail today. That’s not uncommon for most people, but this one in particular is rare. It was received from my dad. To know my dad, you know he doesn’t really do pictures very often.
The text read “Love my hat!!!!” and the accompanying picture was of him in a place in Gatlinburg celebrating his and my stepmom’s anniversary.
What makes this hat so special? My dad is frugal in so many areas and will only splurge for himself on functional items (for example, a tractor, because he can be productive with that), but will rarely splurge on something nice just because he wants it. So for Christmas, I knew exactly what I wanted to get him, the Stetson hat that he’s always wanted.
I bought the hat in probably August because well, we start shopping early. So naturally for months I’d been anxiously waiting the moment he gets to open this gift. When Christmas came, we were all sitting around passing out gifts and everyone was tearing into theirs. He opened everything BUT the biggest box in front of him. He got up started doing some other stuff, meanwhile I was trying to keep my eye on him so I did’t miss it when he did open it and was also trying to hold my composure because I really wanted to be like just open it already!
When he finally started peeling back the paper and seen the imprint of the Stetson logo and design on the box I could see tears start to well up in his eyes but he steadily took the rest of the paper off and started to open the box, with an emotional crack of his voice he said I’ve always wanted one of these. He got up and gave me a great, big hug. He took it to his room and periodically throughout the rest of the evening he would go put it on for a bit and take it right back off.
As I’ve gotten older it gets harder to buy for my parents because they are in the position that they have most of their wants already or can and will get them. I love those rare occasions that I’m able to get something for them that I know they wouldn’t buy for themselves.
Today my heart was filled with so much love because I know the pride that my dad will have every time he puts this hat on.