Let's face it, there's no manual to parenting. And if there is, it's really just a subjective opinion. There's no one "right" way to parent your children and each child will require something different.
For example, I have 2 boys; My oldest is a smart, cocky brainiac that analyzes everything and is like an old man in a young man's body. To discipline him is difficult because he analyzes all punishments and has a nonchalant attitude. To parent him, he needs to understand "why". My youngest is a tornado ball of energy with a loving demeanor and a huge heart. He doesn't want to disappoint an doesn't even like the idea of discipline. This makes threats an easy option to get him to get his act together. We must parent him with love and compassion.
As a parent, you struggle with the questions "Am I doing this parenting thing right?" "Am I raising young humans to be successful contributing members of society?" "Do my kids love me?" "Do they know they're loved?" The list could continue. As moms, we struggle with societal pressures put on us as well. For a long time I not only worried that my work travels would negatively impact my boys but was also frequently questioned by others how my boys reacted to it. This further placed a seed of doubt and guilt for pursuing my dream.
The fact is, no matter what you do in life someone will always disagree, SO DO YOU ANYWAY! As a mom, the message I want my children to get is you can fearlessly pursue your dreams and what makes you happy and still be there for those you love. Also, it's never too late to start. I live and breathe by this example. Way to kick some of that mom guilt's ass!
Recently, I have read several articles describing the changes from adolescent to teen years in boys and how the relationship changes with their moms (written from a moms perspective of course). I don't want to be naive to think this won't happen with my boys BUT I honestly feel them drawing closer to me now more than they ever have (especially my oldest, 13, who has ALWAYS been more emotionally detached). I truly wish I could bottle these times up and hold onto them forever. Until then I'll cherish all the time I have with them and hope that I'm doing this parenting thing right by them.
